[Special Offer] Alicia Lyttle - Freelancing Genius 2

[Special Offer] Alicia Lyttle – Freelancing Genius

Get Freelancing Genius By Alicia Lyttle

Get Freelancing Genius By Alicia Lyttle


From The Desk Of Alicia Lyttle

“What do you do?”

In the year 2000, answering “I work online” was sure to be met with a look somewhere between disbelief and suspicion.

2 decades later, not much had changed.

Nobody Took Online Work Seriously…

Until a global shutdown forced it into the mainstream.

Only it’s NOT new…

For decades, millions of regular employees have been quietly saying goodbye to their 9-to-5 jobs and everything that comes with ‘em…

  • Sitting in traffic…
  • Pointless meetings…
  • Micromanaging bosses…
  • Corporate bureaucracy and red tape…
  • Cubicles, co-workers, and company politics…

Like Mike from accounting – who disappeared without a trace and whose name has never been spoken in the office since?

His new alarm clock is the sound of waves hitting the shoreline in front of his beachfront home in Fiji. Rumor is he hasn’t worn a suit in years.

Or Alison from HR – who went on maternity leave and didn’t come back?

She decided it was more important to show her kids the world than spend 8 hours a day holed up in a cubicle.

So she traded her 90-minute commute for a passport full of stamps and a camera full of memories from all around the globe.

Of course, there are downsides. Like eating airline food once or twice a month. Yuck.

But not everyone chooses to travel…

Many of these freelancers find themselves working harder than they ever have – because they (finally) love what they do every day.

And others “hustle” from about 10:30 in the morning ‘til noon — before hitting the gym, the slopes, or whatever new interest they feel like pursuing this month.

You see, there are as many ways to live the freelance life as there are people living it.

But one thing we all agree on…


Freedom Is The New Wealth
And it’s no longer something reserved for bankers, lawyers, celebrities, and the super-rich.

“In the past few months I’ve made over $10,000 USD. I have hired an assistant and my business is growing so fast. Thank you Alicia & Lorette and their team”

“…I was able to quit my horrible 9-5. Now I am my own boss! I am a single mom, supporting 2 kids on my freelancing income.” -Jessica

“I owe everything to Alicia & Lorette. I am where I am today because of them! I’m taking care of my kids, I bought land and built a house…I work 90 minutes a day and I have a team that works for me! I love being a Boss Lady!”


How Are “Regular” Folks Living Extraordinary Lives…

Simple. The world has changed…

Specifically, the whole world moving online has created unprecedented demand for surprisingly simple skills…

  • Typing…
  • Talking…
  • Listening…

And many other abilities most folks learn by 6th grade.

These “Micro Gigs” are an opportunity for regular working people to finally build better lives for themselves. On their own terms.

That’s not just my opinion either.

In 2020, the freelance economy reached…

$1.2 TRILLION Dollars

While the rest of the world economy ground to a halt…

And roughly 400 million jobs were lost worldwide…

Freelancing grew by 22%.

As you read this page, literally millions of businesses are looking for people who can perform these simple Micro-Gigs…

I’ll give you an example.

There are 850,000 active podcasts online.

If they only average 30 minutes of content per week…

That comes to over 48 years worth of content that needs editing, transcribing, episode graphics, publishing, promoting, and more.


And that’s just one tiny example of hundreds. There’s more of these micro gigs out there than even the most ambitious person could hope to do in a dozen lifetimes…

That’s where you come in.

On this page, I want to show you how to capitalize on this massive opportunity.

Here’s How I’m Leveraging Two Of
The Largest Online Shopping Websites
To Fund My Dream Lifestyle…

I started my first online business with my future husband in the year 2000, when I was in college. We made $500,000 in our first year. But it wasn’t until 2007 that I really understood the success we were having.

Our accountant asked me to sign our tax statement. As I wrote my name – I finally internalized that we had made $2,767,607 that year. So I quit my PhD program to do business full time.

Things continued to grow from there. In 2010 we made $6 million dollars. But that’s when everything changed…

I found out that my husband was seeing another woman…

So I phoned up my sister Lorette. She flew in, helped me pack, and we left…

As we were driving from my no-longer home in Texas to her home in Florida, we stopped for groceries.

Only one card after another got declined.

He’d locked me out. Of EVERYTHING.

It was all gone…

  • Our 12,000 square foot mansion
  • Bank accounts
  • Credit cards
  • Courses and products
  • Our client database
  • My personal email
  • My business email,

To make it worse, he left me with an ultimatum: “If you don’t come back, I’m going to make your life miserable.”

And that’s exactly what he proceeded to do.

I don’t remember exactly how many days I spent on my sister’s couch, with no money in the bank, and no idea how I was going to move forward.

I might have stayed there – except Lorette decided to do something about it. She invited mutual friend and motivational speaker Les Brown over.

Les, in the commanding way only he can, told me it was time to GET UP. And I realized he was right. My ex might have taken all my “stuff.” But he could never take away my skills.

So using what I’d learned over the last decade, Lorette and I started a new business – tapping into the growing freelance economy.

Over the next 10 years, we built our agency to 32 team members, started our own TV show, and taught people from all over the globe how to build their own freelancing businesses.

And this is why I’m so passionate about this industry…

Because when you have a business like this, you’re in control of your own destiny.

The government doesn’t control it. A boss can’t take it away from you. And even a malicious, malevolent person in your life can’t stop you.

If you have the desire and the right plan, you can come back from anything and build the life you want.

Just consider Raquel, who is legally blind and has made over $80,000 from micro gigs.

Or Sonya, a 7th grade dropout who makes $6,000 a month, got out of debt, and took her first vacation.

Or Layten, who bought land, built a house, opened a cafe, and is able to take care of her kids…

All thanks to micro gigs.

I could tell story after story from people who made dramatic turnarounds after years of struggle.

But at the end of the day…

Whether you want a new car or plane tickets…

To banish bill collectors or pay off your mortgage…

Save for your kids’ college or take them on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation…

The question is the same:

Will This Work For YOU Too?

Let’s find out…


Here’s How Simple It Is To Build
A Life-Changing Business With Micro Gigs…

There are 3 steps involved and as you’ll see in a second, there’s nothing particularly scary or intimidating about any of them.

STEP #1: Choose An “Elementary School” Skill To Provide…

There are HUNDREDS of micro skills that are in demand right now.

You might already know which one you want to do. You might not.

If you DON’T already know what you’re going to do – no problem. We’ve helped hundreds of people figure out what sort of micro gig is right for
them, and we’ll help you do the same.

STEP #2: Set Up Your Online Client Magnet Profiles…

You never have to do sales calls or presentations with the micro gig model.

Instead, you set yourself up on freelancing platforms where clients are actively looking for people like you.

It’s not hard – but there are some tricks of the trade we’ve learned over the last decade that will make it as quick and easy as possible to get your first gigs and start growing.

STEP #3: Deliver Your Micro Gig…

Most micro gigs take between 5-30 minutes to do. And we can train you on 10+ different skills if you want to increase your abilities.

We’ll also reveal some of our secrets to surprise and delight your clients so they give you great reviews, tips, repeat business, and refer others to you.

Most people ignore this, which is a shame.

Because it’s an easy way to grow your business without working more hours.

7 Reasons Why Micro Gigs Are
Making Ordinary People Surprisingly Wealthy…
“Without marketing, selling, or advertising!”

#1  Freelancing Is The Future…
This Bloomberg headline says it all…

“Employees Are Quitting Instead of Giving Up Working From Home”

Give a 9 to 5 employee a taste of the freelance lifestyle, and it becomes hard to go back to the old way of doing things.

That’s only half the reason that freelancing hit $1.2 trillion in 2020.

The other half is that both businesses and employees benefit from freelancing arrangements…

For example, businesses don’t have to pay for office space…

While freelancers don’t have to sit in meetings, commute, or “kill time” at the office once they’re done with their main tasks for the day.

I see no reason not to get in front of this trend while the demand for freelance work is at a peak…


#2  There’s TOO MUCH Demand…
Online media has multiplied the amount of freelance work available.

You may have heard me give this example before, because it underscores just how much opportunity there is:

There are 850,000 active podcasts in the world.

And if they only produce a conservative 30 minutes of content per week…

That’s 48.5 YEARS worth of content that needs transcribing, editing, publishing, and more.

Every single week!

And that’s just one example. There are hundreds of other micro gigs with staggering demand.

What does that mean?

Not only is it easy to find work…

But you can often charge a premium!


#3  Burn Your Resume – And Say Goodbye To Bosses, Office Politics, And Pointless Meetings
If you want a job in the old economy, you have to go through a grueling application process…

  • The average corporate job offer attracts 250 resumes
  • 4 to 6 candidates will get called for an interview (roughly 2%)
  • 1 person will get hired

So if you want a new job, you might have to send anywhere from 50-250 resumes. AND polish your interview skills. AND possibly take a bunch of courses to even qualify for a higher-paying position.

Then, even if you succeed – you’re still stuck with the meetings, commutes, and office politics.

No problem. Once you’ve got a few micro gigs under your belt, you’ll feel confident (and free) about burning your resume…


#4  Millions Of Businesses Are Actively Seeking Out Freelancers For Micro Gigs
Millions of Businesses Are Actively Looking For Freelancers.

Just consider…

  • Freelancer.com received a total of 10.6 million job postings from clients with a total of $3 billion paid out to freelancers in 2016.
  • Fiverr has 3.4 million active buyers and processed $699 million in transactions in 2020.
  • Upwork pays Freelancers more than $1 billion per year from 3 million jobs.

It’s never been easier to get started, land your first clients, and build a thriving freelance business…

Without marketing, sales calls, advertising, or taking almost any risk!


#5  Elementary School Skills…

You don’t have to go to law school or rack up $100,000 in student loan debt to get access to this remarkable earning opportunity.

The new digital economy has made it possible to turn elementary school skills into a lucrative micro gig business.

  • Talking…
  • Typing…
  • Listening…
  • Basic computer skills…

There are even micro gigs that pets can do…

In other words, there’s NO barrier to entry here. There’s no “insiders club” you have to be a part of.

It’s the most democratic opportunity we’ve ever found. The only real requirement is your desire to take part in it.


#6  Great Pay, Amazing Life

“…more than half of freelancers REFUSE to return to a traditional nine to five, regardless of the money offered.” ~Upwork’s sixth annual “Freelancing in America” study

WHY do they refuse?

Because the FREEDOM of not having someone else tell you when to be at the office is priceless.

Yes. Plenty of freelancers make great money…

  • In 2011, 1.95 million U.S. freelancers made over $100,000…
  • And in 2018 that number had risen to 3.3 million…

But why settle for just money when you can have both that AND
the freedom to enjoy it.


#7  Works No Matter Where You Live…

It’s not necessary to live in New York, London, Paris, or any other major city to access the best freelance opportunities.

This is a business you can take with you anywhere WiFi can be found.

This is why there are so many freelancers living in tropical locations – while spending less AND earning more for the pleasure.

What does this all mean?

First of all, maybe it’s time to finally …

Give Yourself A Raise
According to LinkedIn, around 36% of freelancers make $75,000 or more, compared to just 26% of the general population.

And 12% earn more than $100k a year, compared to 9% of traditional employees

Which means the real question isn’t “why freelance…”

But rather, “why haven’t you started already?”

Honestly, there aren’t many reasons, but…

Here Are The 3 Most Frequent Questions
I Get About Starting A Micro Gig Business

1. I’m Worried I Don’t Have Any Marketable Skills.
Can I REALLY Do This?

My star students include a 7th grade dropout, a legally blind woman, and a single mother from Jamaica – along with hundreds of others from all walks of life.

So yes, you may have had your obstacles and disadvantages in life…

But there are SO MANY different micro gigs, I’ve yet to find anyone who can’t do ANYTHING.

Speak English? Then you could do gigs where you talk, type, or listen.

Don’t speak English? You could do the same in your native language.

None of those gigs are a fit? I can teach you any of over 10 different skills in an afternoon.

Here’s the thing: You don’t even have to decide now.

Because you don’t need to quit your day job or spend a ton of time to start a micro gig business, you can test different ideas with no risk except a bit of your time. Then, just do more of what works.

You just need to have the courage to get started. (And if you don’t have THAT – read on, because I can help you there as well)

2. “I don’t like selling. How will I find buyers?”

Unlike other types of business where you try to sell high ticket services face to face or on the phone, micro gigs don’t require you to do any marketing or sales (unless you really want to).

In fact, you can think of a micro gig like an Amazon purchase…

Clients find your listing and “check out” without having to get on the phone.

The key is knowing how to set up your listing the right way on the right platforms so these clients hire you – which is what we teach you in Freelancing Genius.

Remember: Right NOW is the perfect time to get into this industry – since the demand for these small tasks is pretty much impossible to fill.

Now, for our particularly ambitious students, we do show you how to “go get clients”…

Which gives you an extra tool in your toolbox to grow faster.

But we recommend keeping things as simple as possible to start. Once you’re getting gigs and are comfortable with the system, you can experiment with new client-getting strategies.

3. How Much Can I Really Earn Doing Micro Gigs?
Let’s take a real life example…

This ebook cover creator has 37,335 reviews.

Now, since only about 20% of clients leave a review, this means she’s actually done 5x as many gigs…

But I want to be conservative, so let’s call it 3x more.

37,335 x 3 = 112,005 micro gigs.

Multiply that by $20 per gig and you get…


And that’s from ebook covers that you can create in under 10 minutes using free tools on the Internet!

Now, is this a typical result? Obviously not!

And I neither have the fortune telling powers nor the conceit to pretend I can predict your results.

The one thing I do know for sure is that micro gigs can be extremely lucrative with hard work.

The other thing I know is that you can grow your business a LOT faster with the right guidance and support…

Which is why I’d like to introduce you to my training program, Freelancing Genius…


What Is Freelancing Genius & How Will It Shortcut Your Path To Success?

Freelancing Genius is a shortcut to getting your first clients and building a successful micro gig business online…

It’s training, tools, templates and resources…

Support and feedback…

Step by step walkthroughs and guides…

And – this is important…

It’ll help you go from where you are today to successful entrepreneur and business owner – without having to quit your day job or take any big risks along the way.

Too many times I’ve seen someone take a massive gamble on a business idea, thinking the only way to succeed is to risk it all.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

After a decade of helping thousands of students – everyone from high school dropouts, to single moms, and people from all other walks of life…

I believe that one reason micro gig businesses tend to work is that you DON’T have to take big risks and “hope” things will work out.

This is a business you can start on your coffee break using skills you already have.

Freelancing Genius walks you through the entire process of launching and growing your freelance business SAFELY.

Inside the program you’ll discover…

  • A 7th grade dropout’s surprising strategy for getting as many micro gigs as she wants.
  • 1 idea to “borrow” from McDonald’s to increase your earnings per gig.
  • The benefit of strategic laziness: How to get set up online so clients find YOU without ever having to cold call or reach out to anyone.
  • The “weird” micro gig your pet dog can do for you.
  • No business experience? Use one of these 3 techniques to get your first client fast.

And a whole lot more!

It’s all designed with the goal of getting your first gig fast. Because we know from experience that – once you see with your own eyes that you can do this, things naturally start to snowball…

Here’s how we’ll do it:

The 3 Things You Need
Build A Thriving Micro Gig Business

#1  Freelance Genius Masterclass – A Tried, Tested, & Proven Step-By-Step System For Building A Successful Micro Gig Business
This is the core system + training for getting your very first client…

And then building a successful online business in the micro gig economy.

You’ll be able to follow along with screen share videos and build your business right alongside us as we take you through each individual action step.

If you’re like most of our students – who have never started a business before – I expect you’ll find the short, clear, one-step-at-a-time videos extremely easy to follow.

We’ll cover…

Module #1:
Freelancing 101 – How To Build A Life Changing Micro Gig Business From Scratch.
Module #2:
Fiverr 101 – Master the Platform Where the Work Comes to You. The Perfect Place to Get Your First Client.
Module #3:
Upwork 101 Discover the Secrets to Finding Clients on One of the World’s Biggest Freelancing Marketplaces.
Module #4:
Freelancing On Your Own – Learn How to Find Your Own Clients Outside of Freelancing Marketplaces and Increase Your Income Per Gig.
Module #5:
Freelance Flipping – Earn More and Work Less by Outsourcing Your Micro Gigs, and Build the Ultimate Freedom Lifestyle.
The best part? We’ve set up this training so you can start earning A.S.A.P…

As in, before you even get into the second module…

We believe this is another advantage Freelancing Genius gives you: That you have the potential of landing gigs while you’re still learning.

Because let’s be real. It’s HARD to do ANYTHING if you have to wait 3-6 months to see results, right?

Well with Freelancing Genius, there’s no need to wait. We move fast and so will you.

#2  The Freelance Genius Freedom Portal

By now you see the value of the freelance lifestyle and you’re probably excited to get started…

But what if you don’t know what micro gig to focus on?

That’s what the Freedom Portal is for.

We’ve created 10+ different skill-specific masterclasses to choose from.

Each training will give you the foundational skills necessary to deliver micro-gigs with confidence, PLUS a proven formula for generating income with that specific skill.

Unlike a 2-4 year university program (and the student debt that comes with it)…

These are skills most people can learn in an afternoon and master in weeks or months.

It quite literally is a Freedom Portal, as any ONE of these skills is sufficient to build a successful micro gig business around.

Masterclass topics include: Design, Social Media Management, Get Paid To Make Calls, Get Paid To Type, and MORE…

#3  Freelance Genius Private Forum

If you look at the most successful people in ANY field there’s one fact that’s undeniable:

NOBODY succeeds alone! Not tennis players. Not comedians. Not entrepreneurs.

We’ve built this members-only private forum to get you connected with other Freelance Geniuses and our team.

Inside, you’ll get help & support building your business.

I’ll admit that this isn’t as EXCITING as our top-secret client getting strategies…

But if you’ve ever felt stuck. Or lost. Or alone. And unsure of where to turn or what to do next…

Then you already know what a difference-maker the right community can be.

Because what many discover is that the “get gigs” and “do gigs” stuff is actually pretty easy. Especially once you’ve been at it for a couple weeks.

It’s putting ourselves in a position to succeed that’s the real challenge.

I know how much it meant to have Lorette and Les Brown by my side when my ex locked me out of the 7-figure business we’d built.

And no matter what’s going on in your life, I have no doubt that having someone there who can help you get unstuck and keep you moving towards your goals will be invaluable to you.

What Is The Investment To
Join Freelancing Genius?

If you consider what having a business you can run on your terms is worth? Not nearly enough.

But that’s exactly the point.

I haven’t achieved Oprah levels of wealth, but the freelance economy has enabled me to make millions online and change my life…

And today my mission is something much more important than the next luxury purchase…

To share this fabulous opportunity with as many people as I can.

With everyone who never had the chance to get a fancy degree from an Ivy League school…

With everyone who grew up in the so-called “wrong place” …

With everyone who just isn’t built for a traditional career…

So while this training has been worth over $80,000 to my legally-blind student Raquel…

$6,000 a month to Sonya, a 7th grade dropout…

Land, a house, and a cafe to Layten…

A new car, paid for in cash to Aisha…

Now if you think about it…

Enrolling in Freelancing Genius shouldn’t ultimately “cost” you a thing.

After all, you wouldn’t call a $397 investment in the stock market or real estate a cost.

It’s an investment.

Not just in your ability to earn…

But also in freeing your time from the tyranny of the alarm clock, the commute, and the office…

So you wake up each morning free to live how YOU want.

That’s what I want for you.

Which is why I’ve also prepared EIGHT bonuses to help you hit your goals faster. ..

When You Join Freelancing Genius Today!

FREE BONUS #1:15 Shockingly Easy (And Profitable) Freelance Gigs (Value: $297)

We’ve come across some amazing freelancing opportunities over the years.

In this special report we’ll reveal 15 opportunities that most people would NEVER think of doing, such as…

  • The gig your dog can do for you…
  • Can you set an alarm on your phone? Then you’re halfway done THIS next gig…
  • Turning an unused item from the garage into a micro gig…

And plenty of others!

FREE BONUS #2:Freelance Flipping Masterclass (Value: $997)

We’ll show you how to make more while working less by turning your freelancing business into an agency and outsourcing the work.

The formula is simple enough…

  • Order comes in
  • Outsource the work
  • Deliver, get paid, pocket the profits

But you need to know the RIGHT steps to take to go from freelancer to business owner.

This is the perfect “next step” to scale your income and create your freedom lifestyle once you’ve learned the core business model.

FREE BONUS #3:Your Freelance Website (Value: $1,997)

Setting up your own professional freelancing website is a great way to continue growing your freelancing business.

Luckily for you, there’s no need to be a tech genius. Just follow our instructions and put one of our professionally designed templates on the platform of your choice:

  • 3 WordPress website templates
  • 3 Groove Funnels website templates
  • 3 Clickfunnels website templates

FREE BONUS #4:Getting Clients Masterclasses (Value: $997)
Become a master of client acquisition and maximize your earnings with these 3 bonus trainings:

  1. Fiverr
  2. Upwork
  3. Linkedin

Any one of these trainings could bring you more clients than any reasonable person could ever hope to serve. But we figure that’s a “problem” worth having.

FREE BONUS #5:21-Day Launch Plan & Success Path (Value: 197)
We’ll show you exactly how to spend your time over the next 21 days to grow your micro gig business as fast as possible.

We’ve already discovered the path. All you have to do is follow the steps…

FREE BONUS #6:Resource Room (Value: 397)

I love tools and software that make my life easier.

In this bonus you’ll discover the automation + productivity tools I used to build and run my own business. Plus walk you through how to use them.

There are over 15 valuable resources (and we’re constantly adding more as we find them). Including:

  • Zoom (Video Conferencing)
  • Trello (Productivity)
  • Loom (Screen Recorder)
  • Calendly (Call Scheduling)

And much more!

These resources will make it easy to grow your business and run it from anywhere in the world.

FREE BONUS #7:Freelance Genius Private Job Boards (Priceless)

We have dedicated job board groups for every one of our Freelancing Genius skills programs.

The way it works is once you complete one of these skill-specific trainings, you can request instant access to the many opportunities that come to our students.

We have new opportunities popping up constantly. Both from clients and from Freelancing Genius alumni who have gone on to build their own agencies and know that our students have the skills to do the work.

I don’t mean to overstate things – but this will make it pretty much impossible NOT to get clients.

FREE BONUS #8:Family Pass (Value: 997)

Get a bonus login for one family member at no additional cost.

Who would you like to share this amazing opportunity with? Because they’ll get a full membership just like yours!


Course Details : Sales Page Link
Original Price : $397
Our Price : $25
Status: Instant Delivery

   For proof and payment detail, please email: [email protected]

Or Message Me on Telegram: @prothom20

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