Download Quantum Leap Ecomm Agency By Kai Bax
Build a Six-Figure Ecommerce Agency
If you are wanting to build a successful Ecommerce Social Media Marketing Agency, then you are in the right place.
Course Curriculum
Week 1 – Underlying Foundations
- Welcome (3:37)
- What is SMMA? (23:32)
- Why Ecomm Beats All (30:36)
- The Ecomm SMMA Process (38:33)
Week 2 – The Business’s Operations
- Understanding Our Client Avatar (47:23)
- Communication (21:51)
- Essential Softwares (49:10)
- Onboarding Ecommerce Clients (29:31)
- Raising Retention Rate (29:05)
- How To Build A True Team (45:02)
- How To Manage Your Team (54:33)
Week 3 – Unmatched Outreach
- Who is The Ideal Prospect And How Do You Find Them? (67:32)
- Email Logistics/Health (Mandatory Before Outreach) (34:07)
- Breakthrough Email Outreach (42:23)
- The New Age Loom Outreach Method (28:39)
- Facebook Group Inbound Leads (33:53)
- Automating The Machine (29:55)
..and more…
My Name is Kai Bax
I own a multi six-figure Ecommerce agency. I have quickly realised that majoirty of SMMA courses out there cover how to build agencies around the local lead gen niche. I never wanted a local lead gen agency and so building an Ecommerce Agency was very difficult when I started out.
I have now figured out the exact roadmap that you can follow in order to build a highly successful Ecommerce Agency. That roadmap is called the Quantum Leap Ecomm Agency.