[Download] Travis Stephenson – Wealthery Live 2

[Download] Travis Stephenson – Wealthery Live

Download Wealthery Live By Travis Stephenson

Download Wealthery Live By Travis Stephenson


This Two Day Workshop Will Arm You With Everything You Need To Start Profiting From Email

Email Marketing Is The Most Guaranteed Way To Start And/or Grow Profit Online


Whether you are just starting or you already have a product, there is NO BETTER way to grow your business than with email. We see it every single day by looking at our own business (which has done a little over $3m in the last 2 years DIRECTLY from email marketing), but also by looking at some of the biggest businesses on the planet.

Snow Teeth Whitening is a BILLION dollar consumer ecommerce brand… they stated that approximately 35% of their revenue comes from email and SMS… that’s roughly $100,000,000 a year!

AppSumo is an online software and affiliate marketing company that makes around $75,000,000/ year selling OTHER peoples products and they make…
49% of their revenue from email.

Funny enough email only accounts for 6.7% of their total traffic. How crazy is that?

Email is significantly more profitable than influencers, Direct Traffic, Affiliate Marketing, SEO and Paid Ads and makes equally as much as all of them COMBINED while accounting for less than 10% of their total traffic.

So while the world stresses out about getting better at paid ads and making dance videos—we’ve doubled down on our email marketing and the results were shocking. We dove in DEEP looking at all of the information we could about where our revenue was coming from over the last 14 years and have a look at what we found…

I know it seems almost TOO simple… but email flat out works! We did roughly $150,000 in high ticket sales in 10 days and our PRIMARY source (over 90% of our sales) came from email marketing.

We found the same to be true when selling affiliate products, our own digital products, you name it… email was the top seller.

It makes sense though right? We are all taught that in order to sell you have to get people to “know, like and trust” you… and the only way to do that is by getting your message in front of your audience A LOT. You just can’t do that as effectively without email, so obviously when you DO use email your “know, like, and trust” will grow… leading to more sales!

But you may be saying… “Well Travis, Sure, it works for you… but you have your own product.. what about those of us that are just starting out and don’t have a product”.

Well funny enough… I started my online business through list building and promoting other peoples products over 14 years ago and I haven’t stopped since then. There are something like 400,000 affiliate products that I’ve seen and I’ve personally promoted around 450 different products online ranging from kitchen knives to software products, and I use email as a primary driving force for every promotion I’ve ever run.

The reason I’ve had 14 years of substantial success has nothing to do with being some genius when it comes to writing ads, I’m not a good graphic designer, I can’t make amazing sales pages, I’m not an expert writer in any fashion (in fact I’m sure this page is riddled with grammatical errors and an over abundance of ellipses)…

No – the reason I have success is because…


I Follow A Simple System…


I drive ALL of my traffic to something that builds me a list in some way. Once I’ve gotten someone on my list, I have the ability to market to them whenever I’d like… giving me control.

I don’t have to contend with the algorithms, I don’t have to contend with ads and ad shut downs, I just sit down and write emails that I think will resonate with my audience using my proven framework for writing and sequencing emails.

Building a list gives me the ability to profit on demand and when I pay to get traffic, or make a piece of content, I’m building something that I can leverage FOREVER.

  • When the next holiday comes… I have a list to monetize
  • When the next long weekend comes… I have a list to monetize
  • When sales slump for a month because of economic issues or pandemics… I have a list to monetize

I mean look at the dates from the picture above… Ring a bell?

This was right at the beginning of the most uncertain times of Covid where ads completely failed for everyone… but I was able to generate $454,711 in NET PROFIT, and it was all thanks to having my own email list.

There is no better testament to the importance and quality of email marketing than seeing that, even during a global pandemic, we were able to turn our list into profit while everyone else in the game struggled and shut down.

The Secret To Making Email Work For You:



You need to be able to provide people what they want. In order to this you need to understand who they are, what they want, and put something in front of them (regularly) that can help them solve that problem. Again… building that “know, like, and trust” and you’re doing it without having to pay for ads constantly.

In fact, I heard a story recently of someone who sold a book on how to stop biting your finger nails (seriously) and they made quite a lot of money via email just showing their audience that he had a solution… so you can sell ANYTHING once you know who you’re talking to.

Most people get this part of the process wrong… and therefore have a tough time selling.



We all know YOU want a list… but why should someone opt in to YOUR list? What do they get? Most marketers are short sighted and they don’t build systems that give the audience what THEY WANT… they are too focused on making money instead. You have to have a good incentive or else no one will opt in… which makes email really difficult.

Most people also fail miserably here because they don’t know how to give their audience a good incentive to opt in, and therefore, don’t build a list…



One of the best things I’ve EVER done in my career is create systems that send emails automatically so I don’t have to. They are called “sequences” or “autoresponders” and they are a MAJOR reason for most campaign success I’ve ever had. Broadcasts are wonderful, but I have UNDENIABLE proof that sequences make you more money than broadcasts and there is a VERY good reason for that.

Most people fail here because they don’t use sequences, and if they do, their sequences suck… leading to less sales and therefore less happiness.



Hubspot says that ON AVERAGE you make $42 for every $1.00 you spend on email, but that doesn’t happen INSTANTLY. For some reason people are WAY too focused on trying to put $1.00 into ads and getting $2.00 out (which is tough these days), rather than trying to get as many emails as they can get and turning $1.00 into $42. Really it comes down to being short sighted!

Most people fail here because they are too focused on trying to make $1.00 in profit right now, rather than making $42.00 in profit in a month.



Meet Your Presenter, Travis Stephenson


I’m a digital nerd and I absolutely love teaching people the systems I’ve been able to use to break free from the mainstream grind. The key and most effective method or “system” I’ve used is email marketing. Getting Email right has given me the ability to generate 10’s of Millions in sales without creating a ton of content, without having some ads secret, and giving me reliability in my business.

I would say, without a doubt, email marketing is the number one revenue driver for me and all of the online business people that I know. It’s allowed me to help and teach more people, make a bigger impact on the world, and all while having to worry LESS about how much I spend on marketing.

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